Quality of Life For Canadians
Our research depends upon the generosity of private donors, family foundations, industry partners and our endowment fund with the Concordia Foundation.
To make a donation or to request information about how to assist us in continuing this legacy at Concordia, please contact us.

Pushing the Boundaries that Enhance Health Outcomes
Orthopaedic Research at Concordia is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of how medicine improves the lives of people suffering from joint pain, poor joint function, and limited mobility.
Our research directly translates into patient care, which helps us meet our patients’ growing needs while invigorating the community, growing Manitoba’s economy, and advancing orthopaedic care globally.

Next Generation Imaging for Implant Trials
Many of our clinical trials use a dual x-ray system called radiostereometric analysis (RSA) to look for early signs of implant loosening that can ultimately lead to follow-up surgery. Now, we are shifting our focus to an advanced computed tomography (CT) based 3D imaging tracking system here at Concordia as the hub for this next generation of research.
Link To Research News: Advanced CT Based Image Tracking for Next Generation Research

Bilateral Knee Replacement Surgery
Some patients suffer from arthritis in both knees, which presents the question, “Should both knees be replaced at the same time in a single surgery, or at different times in two surgeries?” We are actively conducting a clinical study to answer this question to help patients make an informed decision in their surgical journey.
Link To Research News: Bilateral Knee Replacement Clinical Trial Completes Patient Enrollment

Revolutionary Reverse Total Hip Replacement
We are honoured to be the first hospital in the world to implant a reverse total hip replacement. This variation of the traditional hip replacement was designed to offer increased stability and better range of motion. We are currently evaluating whether this design truly works better for patients.
Link To Research News: We are the Pioneers of a Revolutionary Hip Implant: The Reverse Hip Replacement

Supporting Students Work Experience
We understand the importance of teaching the next generation of researchers to build a path for success in their careers and advance the technologies of the future. We continuously provide mentorships and job opportunities for high school and university students with interest in the clinical field that will gain them valuable work experience.
Link: Our Team “Students”

Implant Registry Analysis
Approximately 130,000 hip and knee replacement surgeries are performed annually in Canada. A small percentage of these end up failing, and identifying the cause of failure can be challenging. National implant registries are used to track this information. We are building an analytic hub on the Concordia campus to champion this registry research in Canada