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Improving The Quality of Life With Research

Our mission is to accelerate arthroplasty research and promote and support innovation, research, and education.

Improving The Quality of Life With Research

Our mission is to accelerate arthroplasty research and promote and support innovation, research, and education.

What We Do

We achieve our mission through dedicated clinical trials, innovative research, rigorous implant testing, comprehensive education, and proactive advocacy.

Our Partners

Our research is made possible by the generosity of donors. We are grateful for the shared and aligned vision with our supporters.

Our Focus Areas

Our focus is on research, education, community, communication, and raising awareness to drive informed decisions and positive change.

Implants are a crucial component of joint replacement surgery, providing the artificial surface needed to restore function and relieve pain in severely damaged joints. By replacing worn-out cartilage and bone with durable prosthetic materials, implants help patients regain mobility and perform daily activities without discomfort. These advanced components are designed to withstand the stresses of weight-bearing loads, making them essential for the success of the procedure and the patient’s long-term recovery.

Improving quality of life for our patients is our number one priority in the lab and operating room.

The Arthroplasty Research Chair at Concordia is an important partner with the Concordia Hospital and Concordia Foundation in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

One of the strategic directions of the Concordia Foundation is to promote and support Innovation, Research and Education. The Chair is governed by a Research Committee of the Concordia Foundation and we collaborate with the Foundation to achieve our mission and vision. Our mission is to accelerate arthroplasty discovery that improves health and quality of life through research, education and advocacy.