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Our Funding Partners

Funding Partners

Without our funders, donors and supporters, the critical work of the Concordia Arthroplasty Research Chair would not be possible. Over the years, we have been grateful to hundreds of individual donors who have benefited from our surgeons’ work and the Concordia Hospital staff. As our funder family grew, we added grants from charitable foundations and families, government-funded organizations, and founding legacy partners.

Concordia Arthroplasty Research Chair funds will be used for operating costs associated with the research projects outlined by the Chair’s research directive.

Such investments will include research and engineering staff, project supplies and consumables, laboratory usage, equipment maintenance and modification, new equipment purchases, and costs associated with publishing and presenting the work (delivering local and international impact).

We thank all of our donors who have made this venture possible. Read More About Our Donors

Major Supporters and Leadership Donors

Legacy and Founding Donors

Najla Alazeh Arthroplasty Research Fund
Yousseff Mouzahem and Wendy Rhymer founded the Najla Alazah Arthroplasty Research Fund in Najla’s memory in 2020. Friends and family from around the world contributed to this fund to set the wheels in motion for the founding of the Concordia Arthroplasty Research Chair.

Research Manitoba was one of our first legacy funders in 2021 with a grant of seed funds to launch the research nationally with benefits to Manitobans. Read more.

Miriam Bergen’s Legacy was a gift from the late Miriam Bergen’s estate, which endowed $2 million for the purposes of Arthroplasty Research at Concordia.

Gail Asper Family Foundation and Dr. Michael Paterson pledged to fund the ongoing support for the Director of Clinical Research 2022-2027 position. Their generosity has allowed us to further our work on a global scale with the appointment of Dr. Christiaan Righolt.

The Winnipeg Foundation supported us in a special training project that provided simulated surgical training.